See if you qualify

To be eligible for iCanConnect, you must meet the program’s disability and income eligibility guidelines.

Additionally, a professional must attest that the applicants combined hearing and vision loss meets the program’s definition. Examples of professionals include a community service provider, educator, healthcare provider, vision or hearing professional, vocational rehabilitation counselor, medical or health professional.

Guideline Definition

Vision loss is defined by one of the following

  • Visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with corrective lenses
  • A field defect such that the peripheral diameter of the visual field is no greater than 20 degrees
  • Progressive visual loss with a prognosis leading to one or both of above conditions

Guideline Definition

Hearing loss is defined by one of the following

  • Chronic hearing disabilities so severe that most speech cannot be understood with optimum amplification
  • Progressive hearing loss having a prognosis leading to above condition

Guideline Definition

Income eligibility

In addition to significant vision and hearing loss, your household must be within 400% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines to qualify for iCanConnect. See below for the guidelines chart.

There are two ways to prove income eligibility:

  1. Documentation of current enrollment in a federal program with the same income eligibility requirement—such as Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), federal public housing assistance or Section 8, food stamps or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit.
  2. Documentation that all household income is within 400% of the federal poverty guidelines.

2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines

Number of people in family/household400% for everywhere,except Alaska & Hawaii400%Alaska400%Hawaii
For each additional person, add$22,000$27,520$25,320
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Find your local contact and apply

Contact your local program with eligibility questions, application inquiries, equipment questions. Additionally, most program applications can be downloaded from the local contact iCanConnect webpage. 

Participant stories

Learn about the many ways iCanConnect has made a positive impact on iCanConnect program participants’ lives.